
Stockpiling medical supplies at state level the right course

Although we sincerely hope they never have to be used, a move last week to stockpile significant amounts of emergency medical supplies on the state level makes good sense.

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer on Friday signed House Bill 4087, to establish the stockpile to prepare for future emergencies.

HB 4087 will amend the Emergency Management Act to require the Department of Health and Human Services to stockpile the medical supplies necessary to respond to a state of disaster or state of emergency in Michigan and require DHHS to display a list of the medical supplies inventory on its website, the governor’s office said in a press release.

“COVID-19 has had an immense impact on our state’s health care system and its ability to provide quality care in critical conditions,” Whitmer said in a statement used in an Associated Press story. This bill, she noted, will ensure that Michigan’s health care system is better equipped to handle future emergencies.

This move was clearly needed, in light of the devastating impact the COVID-19 pandemic has had, and is having. A stock of medical supplies controlled by the state and not the federal government makes good sense, too.

What is unclear, at this writing at least, is what will be purchased, where will be it stored, how much will it cost and where will the money come from to pay for it all?

Additionally, who is going to be in charge of maintaining the stockpile?

We trust state government will answer these questions before checks are written.


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