Negaunee High School scholarships announced
NEGAUNEE — The following is a list of Negaunee senior recipients of scholarships and the granting agencies.
≤ Macie Christine Annala
Addison Perala Memorial Scholarship
Dr. John B. Anderton Memorial Scholarship
Miner Moving Forward Scholarship
≤ Courtney Michelle Beckman
Fred and Joyce Benzie Memorial Scholarship
Robert Ellerbruch Memorial Scholarship
Negaunee Area Community Fund: Saima Kuivila Education Scholarship
Goofus Memorial Scholarship
≤ Ashley Ellen Bell
Hilma Pynnonen Van Eerden Scholarship
Negaunee Education Association Scholarship
Burger King Scholars Award
Negaunee Elks Most Valuable Student Scholarship
Northern Michigan University: Wildcat Merit Scholarship
≤ Caleb Daniel Bero
Mary Trolla Scholarship
Negaunee Area Community Fund: The Raymond Pajula Scholarship
Burger King Scholars Award
Negaunee Elks Most Valuable Student Scholarship
Michigan Technological University: 906 Scholarship
Michigan Technological University: Excellence Award
Michigan Technological University: Presidential Silver Scholars Award
Michigan Technological University: Leading Scholar Commended Finalist Award
≤ Patrick Abram Byman
Frank Matthews Memorial Scholarship
≤ Cassidy Rachael Crabb
Barbara Lehtonen Family Scholarship
Negaunee High School Booster Club Scholarship
Northern Michigan University: Wildcat Merit Scholarship
≤ Owen Christopher Debelak
LaCosse Family Work Ethic Scholarship
Larry Peterson #47 Scholarship
Mike Trewhella Trades Scholarship
Negaunee High School Booster Club Scholarship
Ishpeming Pioneer Kiwanis Trades Scholarship
Randy Kivisto Memorial Scholarship
Ray Sischo Memorial Scholarship
≤ Corbin Parker Erva
Negaunee Area Community Fund: The Levine Family Scholarship
≤ Madison Pearl Frustaglio
Negaunee High School Booster Club Scholarship
Negaunee Lion’s Club ‘We Serve” Award Scholarship
Negaunee Area Community Fund: Negaunee Public Schools Citizenship Scholarship
≤ Collin Ford Gallion
Excellence in Writing Scholarship in Honor and Memory of past NHS English Teachers(Betty Zesiger, Berlyne Miller, and Brian Peterson)
Negaunee Area Community Fund: Sydney W. Northey Scholarship
Thomas F. Pellow Scholarship
Burger King Scholars Award
Northern Michigan University: Competition Award
Northern Michigan University: Wildcat Merit Scholarship
≤ Anthony Philip Gleason
Negaunee Area Community Fund: Rudy and Darley Kemppainen Scholarship
Northern Michigan University: Wildcat Merit Scholarship
≤ Elizabeth Morgan Gleason
Tino’s Pizza Mural Scholarship
Ferris State University: Woodbridge N. Ferris Crimson Scholarship
≤ Ava Clair Gustitis
Bell Auxiliary Scholarship
Negaunee Area Community Fund: Negaunee Public Schools Citizenship Scholarship
Negaunee Area Community Fund: William B. Larson Memorial Scholarship
Northern Michigan University: Sarah C. and Jacob B. Casper Scholarship
Northern Michigan University: Wildcat Merit Scholarship
Rylee Elizabeth Hanner
LaCosse Family Work Ethic Scholarship
National Honor Society Scholarship
NEA in Memory of Addison Perala Scholarship
Negaunee High School Peer Coach Scholarship
Burger King Scholars Award
Northern Michigan University: Wildcat Merit Scholarship
≤ Kaiylah Rain Hanninen
Negaunee Area Community Fund: Nelson Family Foundation: Dr. James Lehto Scholarship
Negaunee Area Community Fund: Independent Order of Odd Fellows Scholarship
Rachael Beacco Memorial Scholarship
Robert and Mary (Romback) Prudom Memorial Scholarship
Northern Michigan University: Wildcat Merit Scholarship
≤ Jacob James Hatch
Negaunee Area Community Fund: Henrietta Nardi Scholarship
≤ Kylie Rae Heggaton
Negaunee Area Community Fund: John M. Basolo NIT Community Service Scholarship
National Honor Society Scholarship
Burger King Scholars Award
Northern Michigan University: Wildcat Merit Scholarship
≤ Amelia Jean Helms-Gleason
Negaunee Area Community Fund: Waino and Joanne Liuha Scholarship
National Rural Health Day Essay Scholarship
Grand Valley State University: Award for Excellence
≤ Seere Anna Helms-Gleason
Dick Koski Female Scholar Athlete Scholarship
Hope for the Future Scholarship
Matthew Worthington Memorial Scholarship
Negaunee High School Denim Day Scholarship
Burger King Scholars Award
Grand Valley State University: Award for Excellence
≤ Marisa Tae Hird
Rome City Institute: Volleyball Athletic Scholarship
≤ Blake Thomas Holmgren
Ardes and George Williamson Memorial Scholarship
Cindy Johnson Memorial Scholarship
Miner Moving Forward Scholarship
Negaunee High School Booster Club Scholarship
Negaunee High School Denim Day Scholarship
North Jackson Company Scholarship
Negaunee Area Community Fund: Saima Kuivila Salutatorian Scholarship
Excellence in Education: In Memory of Saima Kuivila Scholarship
≤ Luke Thomas Holmgren
Negaunee Area Community Fund: Negaunee Public Schools Citizenship Scholarship
TruNorth Federal Credit Union Scholarship
Michigan Technological University: Civil, Environmental & Geospatial Engineering Achievement Scholarship
≤ Maddyson Kay Jacobson
Negaunee Area Community Fund: Dr. Ray and Mary Johnson Scholarship
Negaunee High School Alumni Association Scholarship
The Dominic and Alice Ghiardi Scholarship
National Rural Health Day Essay Scholarship
Northern Michigan University: Wildcat Merit Scholarship
≤ Howard David Johnson
Miner Moving Forward Scholarship
Philip and Bertha Levine Scholarship in Memory of Nancy Sorenson
Terry Talo / Michael Trewhella Scholarship
City of Negaunee/WPPI Energy 2024 Public Power Scholarship
Excellence in Education: Honor Credit Union Scholarship
≤ Sage Ruth Juntti
Earl R. Borlace and Aileen Hill-Borlace Memorial Scholarship
North Jackson Company Scholarship
Negaunee Elks Most Valuable Student Scholarship
Negaunee Area Community Fund: Waino and Joanne Liuha Scholarship
Excellence in Education: Robert and Rena Koskey Scholarship
Negaunee Irontown Association Community Service Scholarship
Rotary Club of Ishpeming Scholarship
Northern Michigan University: James T. Malsack Scholarship
Northern Michigan University: Yolanda M. Kline ’94 Scholarship
Northern Michigan University: Wildcat Merit Scholarship
≤ Mick Kenneth Kumpula
Negaunee Area Community Fund: The Elliot Family Memorial Scholarship
Negaunee High School Booster Club Scholarship
Honor Credit Union Community Commitment Scholarship
Excellence in Education: Sydney W. Northey Memorial Scholarship
Robbie Jandron Memorial Scholarship
Negaunee Elks Most Valuable Student Scholarship
Negaunee Irontown Association Community Service Scholarship
University of Minnesota Duluth: UMD Scholarship
≤ Kainoa Richard Lacar
Northern Michigan University: Football Athletic Scholarship
≤ Brady Thomas LaFreniere
Burger King Scholars Award
Tyler Carl Lajimodiere
Range Bank Scholarship
≤ Adelyn Adelle Lein
Northern Michigan University: Wildcat Merit Scholarship
≤ Olivia Brooke Lunseth
Negaunee Area Community Fund: The Dr. E. William and Dorothy A. Sivula Scholarship
Negaunee High School Student Council Valedictorian Scholarship
Negaunee Area Community Fund: Negaunee Public Schools Citizenship Scholarship
Negaunee Lion’s Club ‘We Serve” Award Scholarship
Elks National Foundation Most Valuable Student Scholarship
Negaunee Area Community Fund: Francine L. Malindzak Memorial Scholarship
Ishpeming Pioneer Kiwanis Key Club Scholarship
U.P. Sports Hall of Fame Scholarship
Excellence in Education: Renee Thomas Memorial Scholarship
Negaunee Irontown Association Community Service Scholarship
Negaunee Elks Most Valuable Student Scholarship
Just Believe Scholarship: In Memory of Jodi Ball
Harvard College: Harvard Faculty Scholarship
≤ Ella Emily Mason
John Argall Memorial Scholarship
Paul J. Meli Memorial Athletic Scholarship
Burger King Scholars Award
Michigan Technological University: Women’s Basketball Athletic Scholarship
≤ Grace Michaela Nardi Negaunee High School Booster Club Scholarship
Philip and Bertha Levine Scholarship in Memory of Nancy Sorenson
Robert and Mary (Romback) Prudom Memorial Scholarship
Excellence in Education: UP Health System – Bell Medical Staff Scholarship
Burger King Scholars Award
Cleveland-Cliffs Sons and Daughters Scholarship
Negaunee Irontown Association Community Service Scholarship
University of Wisconsin Oshkosh: Philip & Jean Nelson Scholarship
≤ Leah Ann Novak
Northern Michigan University: Wildcat Merit Scholarship
≤ Alex Nolan Ossenheimer
Negaunee Township Fire Department Scholarship
Philip and Bertha Levine Scholarship in Memory of Nancy Sorenson
≤ Chett Michael Pietila
Negaunee Area Community Fund: Waino and Joanne Liuha Scholarship
Michigan Technological University: 906 Scholarship
Michigan Technological University: Distinguished Leader Award
Michigan Technological University: Presidential Silver Scholars Award
≤ Callie Marie Rajala
Negaunee Area Community Fund: Betty Holman Memorial Scholarship
Negaunee Area Community Fund: Nelson Family Foundation: Dr. James Lehto Scholarship
Burger King Scholars Award
Northern Michigan University: Wildcat Merit Scholarship
≤ Amara Delphine Rasmussen
Negaunee Lion’s Club ‘We Serve” Award Scholarship
Paul Symons Memorial Athlete Scholarship
Negaunee Area Community Fund: Waino and Joanne Liuha Scholarship
≤ Chase Anthony Royea
Addison Perala Memorial Scholarship
≤ Kina Milly Salmela
Negaunee Area Community Fund: George and Jonelle Collins Scholarship
LaCosse Family Work Ethic Scholarship
Negaunee Elks Youth Music Scholarship
Burger King Scholars Award
Negaunee High School Band Backers Scholarship
Northern Michigan University: Sarah C. and Jacob B. Casper Scholarship
Northern Michigan University: Wildcat Merit Scholarship
≤ Gavin William Saunders
Negaunee High School Booster Club Scholarship
The Dominic and Alice Ghiardi Scholarship
Lakeland University Deans Scholarship
≤ Danielle Emily Saynor
Burger King Scholars Award
Northern Michigan University: Wildcat Merit Scholarship
≤ James Will Thomson
Dick Koski Male Scholar Athlete Scholarship
Earl R. Borlace and Aileen Hill-Borlace Memorial Scholarship
John Argall Memorial Scholarship
Negaunee High School Booster Club Scholarship
Negaunee City Fire Department Scholarship
Negaunee Elks Most Valuable Student Scholarship
Negaunee Education Association 8th Grade Scholarship
University of North Dakota: Presidential Scholarship
≤ Reece William Walters
Goofus Memorial Scholarship
Negaunee Area Community Fund: Negaunee Environmental Studies Scholarship