
DAR bestows honors

Keitha Callanan of Marquette has been handing out Daughters of the American Revolution Cadet of the Year awards at several high schools and universities in the Upper Peninsula as National Defense chair for the Onagomingkway Chapter National Society DAR. Cadet Eliya Huber, a senior in the U.S. Air Force program and Cadet Destiny Klinkhammer of the U.S. Army program, both at Michigan Tech University in Houghton and Cadet Carly Cody a senior at Northern Michigan University’s U.S. Army program all received the Gold DAR Outstanding ROTC Cadet of the Year medal and a cash prize. Calumet High School student Cadet Trista B. Berryman and Houghton High School student Cadet Kayleigh Matson received the Bronze DAR Outstanding JROTC medals. NO pictures were available for these two.


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