
Grant applications now available

ESCANABA — Greg Sudderth, chair of the Grants Committee of the Upper Peninsula Sustainable Forest and Wildlife Fund, a fund of the Community Foundation of the Upper Peninsula, announced that it would be accepting grant applications for the April 2021 grants round.

“Eligible non-profit organizations and sub-divisions of government are eligible to submit applications to the community foundation for grants that meet the guidelines of the UPSF & W Fund,” Sudderth said in the announcement.

Grant applications can be obtained at the community foundation office at 2420 1st Avenue South, Escanaba, Michigan; the foundation’s website www.cfup.org; by calling the foundation’s office at 1-906-789-5972 or e-mailing office@cfup.org.

Those interested in obtaining a grant must have an original and three copies turned into the community foundation office prior to 4 p.m. April 1, otherwise the request may not be considered.

All those requesting grants from the foundation will be notified in writing, as to whether or not they have been successful in receiving their grant request. Members of the UPSF & W Committee will make their grant recommendations to the full board of trustees of the foundation at their regularly scheduled board meeting at the end of April for their approval.


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