Superiorland Yesterdays
EDITOR’S NOTE: Superiorland Yesterdays is prepared by the reference desk staff at Peter White Public Library.
30 years ago
SAWYER AIR FORCE BASE — Leo P. McDonald Elementary School at the KI Sawyer Air Force Base closed on Friday after 35 years and some 15,000 students being educated there. Pizza and ice cream lessoned the blow for the 155 students still attending the school, and they will be transferred to other districts on Monday. Bill Garrett of Ishpeming, who saw the funding and construction of 5 schools in the district including Sawyer in 1963, came to say goodbye. Garrett noted that he is sad to see the school close, and is worried about the economic loss the U.P. will face with the impending closure of the military base. The closing also issued a visit by former librarian Betty Crawford who flew from Arizona to say goodbye as she felt attached to her time spent at the school. Principal Anne Pecotte spoke at the luncheon, thanking everyone present for their contributions to the community, and being the reason that the building was something special.
60 years ago
MARQUETTE — Northern Michigan University will begin the first educational television network of its kind in Michigan, WNMR-TV, with the capabilities of connecting 32 communities via cable and microwave relays from Ironwood to Sault Ste. Marie. The programs will serve three basic needs: 1) televised instructions for schools in the region 2) courses for university credit and adult education and 3) programs of general information and cultural content. The university has operated a television system on their campus since 1963 inside of Lee Hall. Dr. Kenneth Bergsma, Coordinator of Instructional Communications, claims that such a system is probably unique in the United States.