
Zero Degrees Gallery to feature local arts teachers

MARQUETTE — The Zero Degrees Art Gallery at 525 N. Third St., in Marquette has a rotating guest artist program featuring various local artists.

The guest artists for January and February are going to be art teachers from the local schools. Jake Fether, the head of the Art Department at Marquette Senior High School and Marc Himes of the Zero Degrees Art Gallery have put together the show, which will be open to the public beginning Thursday, Jan. 2, at Zero Degrees.

The gallery will have two different groups of artist showing their work for one month each. The January artists include Bell Duncan (student art teacher), Jake Fether, Sara Hinch, Matt Johnson and Megan Soucy.

Each artist will be showing a few pieces of their current work. There will be a reception for the January group on Saturday, Jan. 11, from 1-4 p.m. at Zero Degrees. The event is free and the public is invited to see what kind of art these talented teach have produced. Light refreshments will be provided.

It will be a good time to come in and visit with the teachers and to see their work as well as the work of the 41 regular members. Come and see what kind of art is being done by the teachers of our children.

Starting at $4.62/week.

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