
Superiorland Yesterdays

30 years ago

MARQUETTE — Bird counters from the Laughing Whitefish Audubon Society are seeking bird activity reports from Marquette area residents prior to the Christmas Bird Count set for Dec. 17. Audubon counters are especially interested in reports of hawks or owls seen or heard, or hard-to-find species, including northern shrikes, gray jays, or red-bellied woodpeckers. During the Dec. 17 count, birdwatchers will be traveling a 15-mile diameter circle centered around Marquette’s Old City Hall, trying to find as many birds as possible in a 24-hour period.

60 years ago

MUNISING — The Munising City Commission expressed concern today over the decision of the Chicago, Duluth, and Georgian Bay Transit Co. to discontinue the scheduled runs of the SS South American to Munising. The Commission recently authorized funds for improvements to the city dock to assure more satisfactory use of present docking facilities. $2,800 was invested in removing old pilings and driving new clusters. An additional $8,400 was contemplated for further dock improvements this spring.

Starting at $4.62/week.

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