
Superiorland Yesterdays

EDITOR’S NOTE: Superiorland Yesterdays is prepared by the reference desk staff at Peter White Public Library.

30 years ago

HOUGHTON — Isle Royale National Park hosted a record number of visitors in 1994, said park superintendent Douglas Barnard. Some 18,725 people used ferry, seaplane or private boat to visit the park this year compared to 16,964 people in 1976, the previous record. The park, which is closed for the winter, is open from April 16 to Oct. 31 each year. The isolated wilderness park is popular with backpackers, canoeists, kayakers and boaters. The current trend indicates visitations will continue to grow. “The day will soon come when the park will be forced to restrict the number of visitors who can come to the island,” Barnard said. “The park can only absorb so many people before park resources and visitors’ experiences will deteriorate. We are looking hard at what actions we will need to take in the future.” Reservations for the park service’s Ranger III passenger ferry will be taken two months earlier this year..

60 years ago

MUNISING — Seventeen supervisors from six industries in the Manistique-Munising-Newberry area completed a 10-week course in basic supervisory skills this week. The series of conferences, which began Sept. 14, are a part of a continuous management development program being sponsored by area industries, Manistique Public Schools and Northern Michigan University. The course included discussions on leadership, human relations, discipline, communication, planning, and problem solving. Serving as conference leaders were William M. Van Kosky, management consultant at Northern, and Arthur K. Hartmson, superintendent of the machinery division of the Harnischfeger Corp., Escanaba. Since the program was inaugurated last spring, 18 additional supervisors have completed a similar series of conferences. Additional conferences are being planned for 1965 and are expected to get underway in February. Information concerning the conference may be obtained from John W. Woffat, vice president and general manager of the Inland Lime and Stone Division of the Inland Steel Co. at Gulliver. Moffat is chairman of the steering committee.

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