
Superiorland Yesterdays

EDITOR’S NOTE: Superiorland Yesterdays is prepared by the reference desk staff at Peter White Public Library.

30 years

MARQUETTE — New computers at the Marquette County Courthouse are expected to replace many old file folders and ledger books, streamlining the exchange of information and increasing county employees’ productivity. The Marquette County Board, meeting as a committee of the whole Tuesday, agreed to spend about $48,000 over three years to approve the high-tech IBM system, tying together computer work stations at the Marquette County Jail, the county clerk’s office, the prosecutor’s office and the circuit, district and probate courts. The full board will consider the proposal at its regular meeting Tuesday. “This will take our courts and the county into the 21st century,” said Marquette District Judge Patricia Micklow, chairwoman of the committee that compiled the computer proposal. “It will make things much easier for everyone.

90 years

MARQUETTE — Marquette was visited by a dust storm yesterday for the first time in many years and a heavy haze hung over the city all morning until the phenomenon was ended at noon with a light rain. A number of weather bureau stations reported the dust storm, which was especially heavy at St. Louis and Minneapolis. The dust storm, which is rare and unusual, was first noticed here Wednesday evening and at daylight yesterday the skies were darkened. A light dust storm haze also was noticed Sunday. Much dust settled on Lake Superior yesterday morning and the surface was covered with a brown tinge. The first rain started about 11 a.m. yesterday and for few minutes Marquette was visited by a downfall of light mud. Windows were covered with dust and rain. The rainfall continued intermittently for several hours, but only three-hundredths of an inch fell, not enough to help vegetation, but enough to eliminate the dust attack. Rain is badly needed in the upper peninsula, according to attaches at the weather bureau. The last rain of any consequence fell April 23, when .32 of an inch was recorded. Several sprinklings of rain, however, fell since that date. There is no drought in this district, but weather bureau officials say there will be one unless it rains soon. The woods are dry and there is great danger of fires, but no fires were reported yesterday. There is no immediate rain in sight for Marquette and the forecast for today is partly cloudy and colder, with strong northerly to northwesterly wind. Fair weather is promised for tomorrow.


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