
New at Peter White Public Library

Diva by Daisy Goodwin, (NEWAFIC) Diva is the story of Maria Callas, world famous soprano opera singer. Raised in Nazi occupied Greece by a mother who exploited her natural vocal talent, her fame was hard won. But with her dramatic flair and golden voice, in the ruthlessly competitive world of opera she became known as La Divina: the divine one. At the height of her career she meets Aristotle Onassis, an extremely wealthy shipping magnate, who introduces her to the life of luxury and everything that comes with it. ‘Diva’ is a classic tale of the sacrifices necessary for wealth and fame; chock full of drama, scandal, and heartbreak.

The Invisible Hour by Alice Hoffman, (AFIC) Contact with life outside the oppressive cult known as “The Community” is forbidden. It is in this cult, based in western Massachusetts, that Mia Jacob falls in love with a book: The Scarlet Letter by Nathanial Hawthorne, on the day that she was planning to die. She found the story that Hawthorne penned so many years prior was eerily similar to her current situation and she also found that there is power in words. ‘The Invisible Hour’ is a tale of magical realism that is an ode to the power of books and the connection between reader and writer.

The Warm Hands of Ghosts by Katherine Arden, (NEWAFIC) A split timeline novel set during the Great War, ‘The Warm Hands of Ghosts’ is historical fiction with a fantasy twist that ventures into the realm of speculative fiction. In 1918 it follows Laura Iven, a field nurse searching for her lost brother who is believed to be dead in the trenches of a battlefield in Belgium, and in 1917 we hear the story of her brother Freddie Iven who is trapped in a destroyed bunker with a wounded enemy soldier.

The Rumor Game by Thomas Mullen, (NEWAFIC) Taking place in 1942 Boston, ‘The Rumor Game’ combines historical fiction with murder mystery in a drama about reporter Anne Lemire chasing a story of Nazi propaganda. The lead brings her face to face with FBI agent Devon Mulvey who is investigating the murder of an immigrant worker. Together, they are pulled into the depths of the propaganda machine where they quickly find that espionage is the least of their concerns.

The Romanov Brides by Clare McHugh, (NEWAFIC) Princesses Alix and Ella are the granddaughters of Queen Victoria; who wants them to join the German and English royal families via marriage. The sisters however, fall in love with Russian – and the Romanovs. Ella weds the Tsars brother, and while in Russia for the wedding Alix captivates the heir apparent to the Russian throne. Their decisions to marry despite their grandmother’s wishes, leads to tragic consequences for the family and for Russia as a whole.

By Thayer Yates

Reference Department


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