Baraga chamber announces county-wide yard sale
L’ANSE — The Baraga County Chamber of Commerce will be facilitating a county-wide yard sale from 9 a.m.-noon June 8. Registered sites will be listed on a county-wide map.
Shoppers can find links to the map on Facebook and the chamber website, Printed maps will be available at the chamber office, 1 N. Main St., L’Anse (in the outside building display case), and at the selling sites.
In addition to finding great treasures to purchase, shoppers are eligible to enter into a prize drawing at each selling site they visit. The more sites visited, the better the chances of winning.
If you are interested in registering a selling site, contact the chamber before noon on June 3. Register by stopping at the chamber office, emailing, or by calling 906-353-8808. Register online at Eventbrite. Your $10 registration fee includes placement on the map, a yard sale sign and advertising.
Live too far out of town or do not have a space to host a sale? You may register and set up at the Baraga Water plant (next to the Baraga County Historical Museum). Bring everything you’ll need –tables, tents, chairs, etc.