
Thailand’s birds to be discussed

MARQUETTE — “Birding in Thailand” is the topic of the March meeting of the Laughing Whitefish Bird Alliance. The program will be presented by LWBA members, Mark and Joanie Hubinger, at 7 p.m. March 13 in the Peter White Public Library in the George Shiras Room, third floor. This event is free and everyone is welcome.

You do not have to be an LWBA member to attend.

Mark and Joanie Hubinger’s Thailand trip took place for the whole month of February in 2020. They covered the northern and southern areas of the country–just as Covid was breaking out.

If they had stayed one more week, they would have been stuck and not able to fly home. That trip yielded them over 450 species of birds. The program will show photos of mainly birds; but, there were many interesting animals that will be included.

The trip was through “WINGS” with Jon Dunn as their guide.

Mark and Joanie have been birding since they were first married 50 plus years ago (it’s their 50th anniversary in May). They have been involved in volunteering at Whitefish Point, where Mark was a past board member in the early 90’s, to leading bird-walks at Santa Ana NWR in southern Texas in recent years.

Their birding travels have taken them to several countries around the world, where they’ve enjoyed the culture, food, and people in addition to their passion for nature, with emphasis on birding.

And they just returned from Antarctica, their last continent.


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