
Young Birders Scholarship offered

MARQUETTE –The Laughing Whitefish Bird Alliance, the local chapter of the National Audubon Society, is providing an exciting opportunity for one local child between the ages of 13-18 to attend the Michigan Young Birders Camp this summer. This year’s MYBC runs from June 13-18 at Alma College. It is the seventh such camp to be conducted over the years by the Michigan Audubon Society. Participants will travel around the state, visit different habitats and important bird areas, learn bird identification tips and techniques, discuss bird conservation topics, learn from guest speakers, and more. MYBC costs $650 per camper. The cost includes lodging, food, transportation during camp, camp materials, and camper swag. The LWBA scholarship will cover the $650 cost of the camp for the successful applicant. To apply for the scholarship, students should write a short essay, not more than one page long, describing why they want to attend the Michigan Young Birders Camp this year. Send the essay via email to LWBA President, Jeff Towner, at chielenstowner@msn.com. Be sure to include your full name, mailing address, and a phone number where you can be reached. The deadline for local scholarship submissions is April 1.

The application period to the camp itself iopen now, and will remain open until May 1 or until spaces are filled. Camp application information can be found on the Michigan Audubon website. Camp and scholarship applications should be submitted at the same time.

For general questions about the camp, contact events@michiganaudubon.org or 517-580-7364.


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