
Grant to support recycling

MARQUETTE — The Michigan Recycling Coalition has announced its receipt of a grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in support of their Recycling Education and Outreach Grant proposal.

This grant will spearhead an innovative and comprehensive education and outreach initiative.

With a focus on driving impactful change, the Michigan Recycling Coalition will utilize this grant to implement a multifaceted program rooted in community based social marketing.

The initiative aims to engage communities, increase participation in recycling programs, reduce contamination, and cultivate trust and commitment to sustainable recycling practices.

This groundbreaking program encompasses several strategic objectives:

≤ Community-Based Social Marketing Training: Delivering information aimed at empowering communities with the tools and knowledge necessary to move effective social marketing strategies.

≤ Michigan Outreach and Education Workbook/Toolkit: Assembling a comprehensive resource kit tailored to Michigan communities to aid in education and outreach efforts.

≤ Direct Support for 50 Disadvantaged Communities: Identifying and providing hands-on assistance and financial support to qualifying municipalities, enabling them to develop and implement effective community-based education programs.

≤ Materials and Recycling Management Trainings: Offering nationally certified training for recycling professionals, covering waste reduction, recycling collection, processing, marketing of commodities and more.

≤ Professional Composting Trainings: Conducting educational programs focusing on recycling and organics management services and programming.

≤ Train-the-Trainer Programs: Facilitating annual Master Composter and Master Recycler programs aimed at equipping individuals to lead local recycling and composting education and initiatives.


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