
People of Superiorland

Marquette-based musician Nicklas Johnson plays on a keyboard during a gig in a Marquette restaurant. He said he has been interested in music all his life and became a professional musician during his teen years, playing at the U.P. Children’s Museum and then local bars and restaurants. He said while acoustic and electric guitars are what he’s most often seen playing onstage, he also plays half a dozen other instruments. Aside from playing in his band The Daydreamers, he also writes promotional blogs for other businesses, manages his band’s website and has taught people to play both as a private instructor with Nick’s Music Room, as well as a local nonprofit called Music for All Kids. He’s played for and promoted dozens of musicians in Marquette County. This is all the more extraordinary because Nick is legally blind and does not own a car. He said helping other local musicians and the businesses that employ them has almost become second nature to him. “I try to promote local musicians and companies, because I know how hard it is to run your own business. And, being a musician can also be pretty stressful sometimes. It’s fun, but not all of it is playing music, it takes a lot of work, and financial investment.” (Journal photo by Lisa Bowers)


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