
Superiorland Yesterdays

EDITOR’S NOTE: Superiorland Yesterdays is prepared by the reference staff at the Peter White Public Library in Marquette.

30 years ago

MARQUETTE – A Mainstream developer considering purchase of Longyear Hall. The demolition process has begun, but Northern Michigan University’s board of control would likely be receptive to an offer to take over ownership and responsibility of the 86 year old building. Crews began taking preliminary steps this weekend towards dismantling the building’s asbestos shingles and sandstone façade, but according to NMU spokesman Mike Clark that shouldn’t interfere with Mainstreams plan to look at the building.

60 years ago

Residents of the Negaunee area will have the opportunity to receive a check for tuberculosis, lung cancer, heart and diabetes next week when a Michigan Health Department mobile X-ray unit will be stationed here for three days starting Wednesday Sept. 18th. Sponsoring the visitation by the unit to several county communities are the Marquette County TB Association, Michigan Department of Health, Michigan Heart Association and the Marquette-Alger Medical Society.


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