
SHF accepting applications

MARQUETTE — The Superior Health Foundation is now accepting grant applications for its proactive grant-giving initiatives for 2023-2024.

The Request For Proposals to address pediatric mental health issues in the Upper Peninsula is at www.superiorhealthfoundation.org. Simply go to the page and click on the “Apply Here for a Grant from the SHF.”

The Superior Health Foundation — along with its funding partners, the Michigan Health Endowment Fund and the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan Foundation — will award more than $1.3 million in grant funding to address pediatric mental health.

The Superior Health Foundation Grants Committee places a heavy emphasis on collaborative projects that have collective impact.

The application period will run through Aug. 4.

Those with questions are asked during the process to contact Laura Jarvi at SHF at ljarvi@superiorhealthfoundation.org.


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