
Jacobetti hosts annual Charity Golf Outing

MARQUETTE — Michigan Veteran Homes D.J. Jacobetti is hosting its 25th annual Charity Golf Outing to support the life enrichment fund at the Marquette Heritage Golf Course at 1075 Grove St., Marquette at 10 a.m. July 28.

To support the fund, which is used to improve the quality of life for members, the home is accepting donations at various levels to include Major Sponsors ($500+), Minor Sponsors ($250), Golf Hole Sponsorships ($150) and Cart Sponsors ($45). All sponsors will be recognized with signage to signify their support. MVHDJJ is also seeking donations of gift certificates and items for raffle prizes.

“We greatly appreciate our legacy supporters as they have been incredibly generous and instrumental in the success of our golf outing,” said Ann Barsch, coordinator for the MVHDJJ Charity Golf Outing, in a news release. “A successful golf outing leads to greater support of our life enrichment fund, which improves the quality of life for our members through experiences, therapeutic programming and tangible items like fishing equipment, holiday parties, bingo games and other enriching activities.”

Registration for the four-person scramble format outing is now open. Golfers can download the registration form at bit.ly/3NjbwCh. The player package includes 18 holes of golf, one golf cart seat, prizes and lunch. The home is requesting teams return the registration form with payment of $320 prior to Wednesday. The outing will be limited to 36 teams so early sign-up is recommended.

Sponsor and team registration checks can be written to MVHDJJ and mailed to 425 Fisher St., Marquette, MI 49855. The home has asked that checks be earmarked Life Enrichment – Golf. Donations of gift certificates or raffle items may be mailed, dropped off from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday in the lobby at the main entrance or picked up upon request.

For more information, contact Ann Barsch at 906-226-3576 ext. 2520348, or barscha@michigan.gov.

Starting at $4.62/week.

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