
Regional energy conference set

MARQUETTE — Upper Peninsula residents, government leaders, businesses and other organizations are invited to the virtual U.P. Clean Energy Conference from 2 to 4:30 p.m. next Monday.

The conference is organized by a team of renewable energy advocates and analysts who hope to support the recommendations of the governor’s U.P. Energy Task Force, which will complete its work in March.

“The U.P. has an incredible opportunity to get ahead of the renewable energy curve as a result of this U.P. Energy Task Force,” said Richelle Winkler, a conference organizer and a rural sociologist from Michigan Technological University. “We want to make sure that communities across the U.P. have a say in our energy futures and are prepared to take advantage of opportunities in renewable energy development that benefit local people and economic development, as well as energy independence that can come from renewable energy, while making sure we preserve our rural character.”

Those wishing to participate in this free conference need to register to receive a Zoom link, which is provided by Michigan Tech. The conference is hosted by nearly a dozen other U.P. organizations, including Michigan Energy Options, Northern Michigan University, Superior Watershed Partnership, the Sault Tribe of Chippewa Indians, Keweenaw Bay Indian Community, Bay Mills Indian Community, Michigan State University Extension, and all three U.P. regional planning agencies.

Registration for the conference is available at the Upper Peninsula Clean Energy Conference website, which also features the full list of host organizations, conference planning information and the program agenda.


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