Michigan State Police 8th District honors trooper, motor carrier officer and civilian of the year award winners

MARQUETTE — Captain Darren Green, the MSP 8th District Commander, presented awards for the district’s top employees Tuesday in a ceremony at the MSP Eighth District Headquarters in Marquette.
Trooper Mike Mariuzza of the Sault Ste. Marie Post won the 8th District Trooper of the Year Award. Trooper Mariuzza was nominated in part because he goes above and beyond what is expected of him for the citizens of Michigan. He helped organize and participated in numerous community outreach events this past year. Tpr Mariuzza serves as an assistant coach for the Sault Ste. Marie high school football team and is a member of the local chapter of the Sons of the American Legion. He serves the MSP as a departmental recruiter, background investigator, field training officer, and firearms instructor. He is dependable and is a great help to his fellow troopers. Tpr Mariuzza consistently demonstrates professionalism and dedication.
Motor Carrier Officer Bruce Brown of the Sault Ste. Marie Post won the Eighth District Motor Carrier Officer of the Year Award. MCO Brown was nominated in part for his demonstrated outstanding performance and leadership. MCO Brown exceled in vehicle inspections, traffic safety, and size/weight enforcement. Notably, MCO Brown identified numerous law violations during a traffic stop, leading to enforcement action by U.S. Customs. Another stop uncovered a stolen semi-trailer, unregistered semi-truck, and fraudulent transport documents, linking the carrier to a smuggling ring.
MCO Brown is a great help to the Sault Ste. Marie Post and consistently goes above and beyond what is required of him. He assists with response to calls for service and gave back to the Sault Ste. Marie community by organizing a coat drive which assisted the local Diane Peppler Resource Center.
Secretary Trina Koepel of the Calumet Post won the Eighth District Civilian of the Year Award. Secretary Koepel was nominated in part for keeping the day-to-day operations running smoothly, assisting post personnel, being dependable and often volunteering her own time to help others, taking a lead role in helping to organize the Stuff a Blue Goose and Shop with a Cop events. Trina also played a crucial role in the Purses for a Purpose detail.
MSP thanks and congratulates all three award winners for their outstanding performance and dedication to serving the public.