
New Jacobetti property in Marquette Township

This is an artist’s rendering of the new veteran’s home which will be constructed in Marquette Township. (Courtesy image)

MICHIGAN — Michigan Veterans Homes has entered into an agreement with a private seller to acquire 38-plus acres of land in Marquette Township.

The property sits south of Marquette Cinemas and east of Wright Street and includes donated acres in honor of the property owner’s late father. U.S. Army veteran Edward F. Scott.

“We have always hoped to carry on Edward’s legacy and are honored to be a part of this project,” said Jim and Tonya Scott-Ross, owners of the property.

“Edward loved the Marquette area and we know this is the perfect way to honor his memory. It provides our family immense pleasure to donate land in his remembrance, and we are delighted that MVH will honor Ed’s legacy by naming the MVH D.J. Jacobetti Community Center after him,” they said. “This new facility will be a wonderful addition to Marquette Township and the veterans that have served our country. We are thrilled and look forward to woking with MVH throughout this exciting project.”

The community center will be located adjoining the main entry, and will feature a great room, cafe and seating area where veteran residents will enjoy meeting with their family and friends who visit, as well as larger activities in the center.

“We are excited to take the next step forward at this beautiful location in Marquette Township — a combination purchase and generous donation — ad believe this site will be a wonderful new home for our U.P veterans for decades to come,” said Anne Zerbe, executive director and CEO of MVH. “Marquette Township is honored to be selected as the newest home for our veterans,” said Jon Kangas, township manager for Marquette Charter Township. “We look forward to working with MVH to facilitate this exciting project while welcoming the members and staff of the MVH D.J. Jacobetti to our ever-growing community.”

One of the next steps in the process will include environmental testing of the site, which will begin shortly.

Next up will be receiving approval from the Michigan State Administrative Board and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and funding approval from the VA State Veterans Home Construction Grant program, according to Deputy Public Information Officer Michael Kroll.

Vickie Fee can be reached at 906-228-2500, ext. 542. Her email address is vfee@miningjournal.net.


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