
Munising schools to ask for sinking fund millage

MUNISING — On May 7, Munising residents will vote on a 10-year sinking fund millage.

The 1.50 mills will be levied to fund school safety improvements, technology improvements, transportation, repairs and construction of school buildings, and is typically a pay-as-you-go system that does not require borrowing money or paying interest.

Cost to voters is $9.38 a month or about 31 cents a day average cost per owner with a property value of $150,000. Taxable value of $75,000 is 50% of the market value of the property.

Total dollars estimated to be generated for the district is expected to produce $342,514 for the 2024 tax year.

Why is this on the ballot? Over the past decade, declining enrollment has negatively affected money received from the state, which is the primary source of funding for ongoing operations. The millage would allow the district to preserve state funds for instruction and programs.

The 1.50 mills would provide for safety and security improvements, including these items:

≤ Repairs and upgrades to school facilities, drop-off and pick-up improvements at Mather Elementary, structure improvements at Mather Elementary, including chimneys and degrading brick work, new interior/exterior doors with safety locks, and outdoor lighting.

≤ Fix underground drainage leaks affecting library at middle/high school

≤ Locker replacements at Mather elementary, middle/high school

≤ Locker replacement at Mather Elementary, middle/high school

≤ Classroom heating system upgrades at middle/high school;

≤ Instructional Technology including laptops, desktops and monitors, classroom projectors, interactive touch screens, network infrastructure, and wireless access;

≤ Student transportation including replacement of aging school buses, aging passenger vans and providing storage facilities.

Vickie Fee can be reached at 906-228-2500, ext. 542. Her email address is vfee@miningjournal.net


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