Hunting season in March

MARQUETTE — The city of Marquette will see pastel-clad sleuths scouring the town starting Monday during the 9th annual United Way of Marquette County city-wide Easter Egg Hunt.
Twelve eggs will be hidden across different locations in the Marquette area with clues being given twice per day on Facebook.
Those interested in getting involved can check the United Way of Marquette County Facebook page for the event information.
“This is always a great event to get people outside learning about and exploring our community,” said Andrew Rickauer, event organizer. “I love seeing families out hunting for eggs together and learning about some of the local history that (built) our community.”
The egg hunt will continue throughout the week, giving participants plenty of opportunity to find the eggs and earn gift basket from local Marquette businesses.
Following the city-wide hunt a more traditional event will be held at Presque Isle the following Saturday starting at 11 a.m., with participants encouraged to show up at 10:30 a.m.
“It always surprises me how quickly eggs get found, these kids take it seriously and move fast.” Rickauer said.
For more information about the events, visit the UWoMC Facebook page or on their website at