
September is library card sign-up month

ISHPEMING — The Ishpeming Carnegie Public Library is encouraging residents to visit the library during the month of September to explore what the library has to offer.

This month, ICPL will join the American Library Association and other libraries nationwide to share resources that are available with a library card.

“There’s something for everyone at the Ishpeming Carnegie Public Library and signing up for a library card is the first step in exploring the resources that are available to you,” ICPL said in a press release.

Library cards at the ICPL are free for residents living within the city of Ishpeming and surrounding townships including Champion, Ely, Humboldt and Tilden. Negaunee residents with a Negaunee Public Library card are eligible to sign up for an Ishpeming library card as well.

“Ishpeming Carnegie Public Library, along with libraries everywhere, continue to adapt and expand services to meet the evolving needs of our communities,” ICPL said. “Throughout the month of September, the library will continue to offer an exciting lineup of programs.”

≤ Tot Tuesday Storytime will happen every Tuesday in September at 11 a.m., featuring stories and songs for preschoolers.

≤ Children’s author Amy Sklansky will visit the library on Thursday, Sept. 7 at 6 p.m. to discuss her books and writing process.

≤ Young adult author Skyla Arndt will visit the library on Saturday, Sept. 9 at noon to discuss her debut novel, ‘Together We Rot’. The book is set in the Upper Peninsula and Snowbound Books will be at the event selling copies of Arndt’s book.

≤ The kickoff to the ‘Homeschool Hangout’ program will happen on Friday, Sept. 15 from 10 a.m. to noon for homeschooling families to gather and learn about library resources.

≤ An ‘Introduction to Bird Watching’ presentation in collaboration with Laughing Whitefish Audubon Society will be held on Wednesday, Sept. 27 at 5:30 p.m. All ages are welcome to learn about the basics of bird watching.

≤ ICPL staff will visit the Ishpeming Township Hall on Wednesday, Sept. 27 from 10 a.m. to noon where township residents can sign up for a library card. Residents will have a chance to learn about resources available within their township hall.

≤ Jack Deo will visit ICPL on Saturday, Sept. 30 at 1:30 p.m. to give a “Historic Ishpeming: A Photographic Tour” presentation.

“Library Card Sign-up Month is all about showcasing the resources that are available to community members by simply having a library card,” ICPL Librarian Nicole Johnson said in the press release.

More information can be found at ishpeminglibrary.info.


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