
Vista Theater ownership shifts to city

The facade of the Historic Vista Theater in the city of Negaunee is seen. (Journal file photo)

NEGAUNEE — The Historic Vista Theater will soon receive a new roof.

Through the State Land Bank Authority, the city of Negaunee was awarded a $435,424 competitive grant to stabilize the theater building by “constructing a roof on the building and removing negative environmental factors from inside.”

“We are very fortunate to have great partners such as the Marquette County Land Bank Authority,” Negaunee City Manager Nate Heffron said in a city press release. “Together with our city staff, we will now be able to save this historic building in downtown Negaunee.”

On Aug. 26, 2020, the Vista Theater’s roof over the auditorium collapsed due to a rainwater buildup caused by a drainage failure. Since then, the building has been condemned.

During a special city council meeting in May, the council approved the transfer of ownership of the Vista Theater from the Peninsula Arts Appreciation Council to the city for $1 “should the competitive grant be awarded.” The second agreement provides access to the site.

“The (Marquette County) Land Bank is thrilled to see these funds coming to Marquette County. Partnering with local units of government, like the city of Negaunee, to eliminate blight and restore important community assets is central to our mission,” land bank director Anne Giroux said in the press release. “We are very proud of our partnership with the city and our successful grant application.”

According to the city’s press release, the Marquette County Land Bank Authority will be the grantee and administrator of the funds and project.

“The land bank has already taken action to contract with an architect (and) engineering firm familiar with the Vista Theater building,” the press release said. “A bid will go out as soon as practical with the hopes of starting the project sometime next year.”

In addition to the $435,424 grant, the state of Michigan allocated $3 million from the state’s general fund to help the city of Negaunee restore the building.

For more information about the Historic Vista Theater, visit vistatheater.org or on Facebook at facebook.com/paacvistatheater.

Questions can be directed to Heffron at 906-475-7700, ext. 11.

Dreyma Beronja can be reached at 906-228-2500 ext. 548. Their email address is dberonj@miningjournal.net.


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