
Upper Peninsula meth co-conspirators sentenced to prison

MARQUETTE — Three Houghton County men have been sentenced to prison for their role in conspiring to distribute more than 50 grams of crystal methamphetamine in the Upper Peninsula, the Western District of Michigan U.S. Attorney’s Office announced Friday.

According to the release, Houghton resident Ryan Lee Timko, 34, was sentenced by U.S. District Judge Paul L. Maloney to 192 months in prison for his role in the conspiracy.

Jeremy Joseph Brusso, 37, formerly of Atlantic Mine, was sentenced by Chief U.S. District Judge Robert J. Jonker to 132 months in prison for his role in the conspiracy.

Nicholas Patrick Cornish, 29, formerly of Calumet, who was also sentenced by Jonker, is expected to serve 120 months in prison for his role in the conspiracy.

Timko, Brusso, and Cornish travelled to the Lower Peninsula to get crystal methamphetamine to redistribute in the U.P., officials say. The three men brought over a pound of methamphetamine into the Upper Peninsula over the couse of the conspiracy.

The sentences were the culmination of a long-term investigation by the Upper Peninsula Substance Enforcement Team into crystal methamphetamine distribution in the west end of the Upper Peninsula, according to the release.

The Upper Peninsula continues to struggle with individuals, like these defendants, bringing methamphetamine into the region, according to the release.

“Those who choose to engage in this conduct are on notice of the serious consequences for bringing this dangerous drug into our communities,” said U.S. Attorney Andrew Birge in the release. “Dangerous drugs like crystal methamphetamine destroy communities and families,” Detective Lt. Timothy Sholander, Michigan State Police-UPSET commander added. “We hope the sentences handed down in this case serve as a reminder to other drug dealers that the distribution of methamphetamine is a losing game and that the men and women on UPSET will continue to fight to support the communities and families in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula.”

Assistant U.S. Attorneys Ted Greeley and Alexis Sanford prosecuted the case, according to the release.

Homeland Security Investigations, Customs and Border Protection Laboratory and Scientific Services Directorate, the Michigan State Police, the Bureau of Indian Affairs, the Houghton County Sheriff’s Office, and the Houghton City Police assisted UPSET during the course of the investigation.


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