
Chambers ask for looser COVID-19 restrictions

MARQUETTE — An organization representing over 7,000 member businesses along with 16 chambers of commerce and economic development organizations across northern Michigan is calling for higher capacity limits in bars, restaurants, and meeting and banquet centers.

The Northern Michigan Chamber Alliance sent a letter to Gov. Gretchen Whitmer advocating for higher capacity limits as businesses pivot from summer to winter service and prepare for the colder months, according to a Wednesday press release.

Alliance Vice Chairwoman and CEO of the Lake Superior Community Partnership Amy Clickner said colder weather has already become a factor for many businesses.

“Outdoor seating is not an option for businesses, like some of our bars, who are unable to offer indoor service due to COVID restrictions,” Clickner said. “Higher indoor capacity is necessary to keep these businesses open and protect jobs.”

If COVID-19 testing data reported by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services falls below a 3% positive test rate over an extended period in the two regions, the alliance is asking the governor to allow expanded indoor capacity at bars, restaurants and banquet centers, officials say.

The alliance is also requesting that bars and restaurants be able to retain the expanded capacity they gained via patios and other outdoor solutions this summer by allowing them to safely winterize those spaces while extending their temporary alcohol service permits.

In a recent survey conducted by the alliance, over 70% of the business respondents “feel comfortable operating at a capacity of 75% or higher, considering staff availability and required safety procedures,” the release states.

“Working with our public health partners to increase capacity limits is our number-one priority right now,” alliance Chairwoman and President of the Manistee Area Chamber of Commerce Stacie Bytwork said. “If we want to be able to visit our favorite bar and restaurant establishments in the spring, we need them to be able to generate revenue during the winter season.”

Alliance Director of Government Relations Kirstie Sieloff, who is also affiliated with Traverse Connect, said the 16 chambers and economic development organizations have supported businesses reopening in a safe way.

“We continue to share the message ‘Stay Safe to Stay Open’ and wearing a mask to keep our businesses open and our friends and neighbors employed,” Sieloff said.

The Northern Michigan Chamber Alliance is a coalition of chambers and economic development organizations including those in Alpena, Benzie County, Cadillac, Charlevoix, Gaylord, Petoskey, Traverse, Manistee, Lake Superior Community Partnership, Elk Rapids, Harbor Springs, Boyne, East Jordan, Cheboygan, Sault Area Chamber of Commerce and the Leelanau Peninsula Chamber of Commerce.


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