
Strategic plan vote expected at meeting

Dennis Stachewicz

MARQUETTE — The Marquette City Commission will vote on whether to approve its strategic plan at its meeting tonight.

According to the Marquette City Charter, the city’s strategic plan must be updated every two years.

Two work sessions were held, one in May and one earlier this month, where city commissioners listened to department heads and committee representatives discuss upcoming projects, issues and aspirations.

At the May work session, Dennis Stachewicz, director of community development, explained that the strategic plan is similar to a work plan for city staff.

Some developing items discussed at the work sessions focused on the potential development of the former Cliffs-Dow industrial site along Lakeshore Boulevard, addressing lost tax revenues from the closing of the Presqu

e Isle Power and Shiras Steam plants, the Marquette Downtown Development Authority’s Greater Downtown Identity Enhancement Project, the possibility of selling Heartwood Forestland property, which has recently caused an uproar among recreational enthusiasts, and more.

Mike Angeli

During the second work session, City Manager Mike Angeli said a formatted version of the strategic plan will be presented to the commission at its next meeting for approval. He said the strategic plan is nothing cast in stone, and that the city is just following protocol since it’s a legal requirement of the city charter.

Commissioner Mike Plourde agreed with Angeli and said the plan is not a contract, but a set of goals to move forward with.

“One of things I like about the strategic plan is everybody has goals — they’re all forward-moving goals,” Plourde said. “It seems like all the departments are spot on and know exactly what (they) want to do.”

The city commission’s regular meeting will be held at 6 p.m. today at the Marquette City Hall Commission Chambers, located at 300 W. Baraga Ave.


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