
West End Update – City of Negaunee

Campfire Coffee a community asset

Nate Heffron, city manager, city of Negaunee

NEGAUNEE — Guess what? There’s an anniversary this week in Downtown Negaunee, Campfire Coffee is celebrating its third year of being open on Iron Street.

Many of you that claim this as your favorite coffee shop probably already knew this and took advantage of their deals this week.

But one of their newest and most exciting experiences they are bringing to downtown, and your taste buds is, gelato!

Gelato? Yes, it’s true, and I just started my diet! Well, we all have to make sacrifices. I am willing to indulge — occasionally of course!

According to Store Manager Alison Carpenter, Campfire will be offering ten rotating flavors of gelato — starting with peanut butter fudge, vanilla bean, fruity pebbles and strawberry lemon sorbet.

“We wanted to offer our customers a variety to try,” Carpenter said, “hopefully keeping them coming back to see what flavors we have next!”

Those that may not know what gelato is, first I feel sorry you. Second, you need to stop reading now and head over to Campfire Coffee and get some!

In all seriousness though, gelato is Italian for “ice cream.” However, its texture is denser, smoother, and richer than American ice cream.

Gelato is made of milk, cream, and sugar, but it differs in proportions, compared to ice cream.

It’s also typically healthier than ice cream too, containing less fat, per portion, I repeat, per portion!

Campfire owner, Ryan Nummela said, “Campfire Coffee is a place you can treat yourself! Gelato is the ultimate desert that everyone loves after they try it.”

And Campfire is taking the phrase “treat yourself” to a whole new level. Carpenter said the staff is developing ways to pair gelato with their coffee. One in particular is an Italian dessert named affogato. More traditionally known as “affogato al caffe,” meaning “drowned in coffee.”

This Italian coffee-based dessert takes form with a scoop of your favorite gelato, topped or “drowned” with a shot of hot espresso.

I had the pleasure of visiting Italy for a vacation a few years back. What an experience that was, especially when it came to food.

However, I was disappointed in myself, only eating gelato one time, can you believe that? Also, no one there ever told me about affogato. Now my office is literally only a couple hundred feet away from ice cold deliciousness!

Negaunee is not just a place for outdoor adventures; it’s also becoming a foodies destination. Next time you find your way to Negaunee whether it’s on the Iron Ore Heritage Trail or taking a stroll downtown, stop on by Campfire Coffee and Forge Your taste buds in adventure with some tasty gelato!

EDITOR’S NOTE: Nate Heffron is city manager of the city of Negaunee.


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