
West End Update – City of Negaunee

City of Negaunee addresses parking

NEGAUNEE — A new program will soon be in effect in Downtown Negaunee. Our new permitted parking program will help with city’s housing shortage, as well as aid in downtown development.

Permitted parking program? Like they have in Marquette, you might say. Like metered parking? No, not at all! A metering program in Negaunee is not needed, nor would it be tolerated.

The permitted parking program I’m talking about has just been created through the newly adopted Traffic Code.

Pursuant to Chapter 70 of the Code, the city manager was tasked with creating permitted parking, as needed, within city owned public parking areas to further the goals of the City’s Master Plan and Downtown Plan. Among these, includes promoting economic development.

These goals, however, must be balanced against preserving as much public parking as possible during general business hours which are between 7 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily.

The focus of the permitted parking program is to provide parking for long-term (apartment rental), short-term (short-term rentals), and owner-occupied residential units.

With this in mind, the city can further their dual goals of promoting economic development, while preserving public parking during business hours.

Current planning and zoning requirements require a certain number of parking spaces be available for residential units, whether this be long-term, short-term, or owner-occupied unit. Many property owners cannot meet these zoning requirements with their own property, and private parking is limited.

The lack of available parking has been found to negatively impact rental desirability, thereby discouraging economic development and activity within our downtown.

Signs will be installed in city-owned parking lots to designate those spaces that are available for permitted parking. Each permitted space will be assigned a number. A parking permit holder can reserve a specific numbered parking space, and their permit number will match the parking space number.

The holder of the permit will then be guaranteed parking from 8 p.m. to 7 a.m. while they hold a valid permit. All spaces, permitted or otherwise, shall remain available to the public between the hours of 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Provisions are in place in cases where snow removal or general maintenance are necessary.

Anyone wishing to secure a parking permit will go through an application process. Spaces are limited, and will only be granted to property owners who own long-term, short-term, or owner-occupied residential rentals.

Our hope is that this program will impact downtown in many positive ways. First among them, development. Getting out of our own way by finding a simple compromise will provide landowners with more development opportunities.

Applications come available Feb. 5, though the Negaunee Police Department.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Nate Heffron is city manager of the city of Negaunee.


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