
Kingsford sets capital plan for years 2025-2030

KINGSFORD — A capital improvement plan for the years 2025-30 is in place for the city of Kingsford, calling for infrastructure improvements, equipment purchases and building upgrades.

The plan is needed for the city to apply for grants, said City Manager Mike Stelmaszek. The plan approved by the city council was a collaborative process involving Stelmaszek, department heads, Ryan Carigg of Central Upper Peninsula Planning and Development Regional Commission and the city’s planning commission.

The plan has $301,500 of expenses listed in 2025; $26,288,000 in 2026; $1,903,000 in 2027; $598,000 in 2028; $207,000 in 2029; and $107,000 in 2030.

In 2026, the city is expected to undertake two major projects to replace watermains and sewers in the Breitung Avenue area. The estimated costs for each is $13 million. The city will seek grant funding to help cover the costs of the projects.

The projects were ranked by a scoring system by department heads, city manager and the policy committee. Not all items will be purchased in the year they are budgeted for and the costs are estimates.

The highest-ranked project was for a sewer main extension planned in the Breitung area in 2027 at an estimated cost of $1.5 million. Other items to be purchased in 2027 are a single axle plow truck for $200,000 and alley paving for $100,000.

In 2025 the men’s bathroom at the public safety building will receive an upgrade at an estimated cost of $25,000. The city has budgeted $15,000 for boiler replacement at public safety. In 2028, the roof is scheduled to be replaced at an estimated cost of $45,000.

In 2028, the city will seek to purchase a new front-end loader budgeted at $220,000 to replace two the city currently has. With the construction of the new salt shed the second one is no longer needed. They will be sold to help offset cost of a new one.

The city also has $28,000 budgeted in 2025 and $30,000 in 2028 to purchase vehicles for the department of public works.

The city will lease a new Tahoe for three years and make an annual payment per year of about $25,000. The city will have the option to buy the vehicle for $1. Funding would be incorporated into the public safety department budget. There is also between $78,000 and $81,000 budgeted each year to purchase a squad car.

Alley paving is budgeted at $100,000 in 2025, 2027 and 2029. Local street paving is budgeted at $150,000 in 2026 and $200,000 in 2028 in the Heights area adjacent to where water and sewer lines will be replaced in two separate projects.

Other projects for 2025 include $15,000 for a DPW equipment trailer.


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