
Hospice 101

To the Journal editor:

November is National Hospice & Palliative Care Month, and the theme is “Courageous Conversations.”

We reflect on the vital role hospice care plays for individuals facing life-limiting illnesses and raise awareness about compassionate services provided to our community.

At U.P. Home Health & Hospice and Lake Superior Life Care & Hospice, we believe that open and honest discussions about life-limiting diagnoses are essential for ensuring that individuals and their families receive the support and care they deserve.

Hospice is about more than medical treatment and symptom management, it is about celebrating life, cherishing moments, honoring personal choices, preserving dignity and providing comfort to patients during their final journey. Courageous conversations are the first step in making this vision a reality.

Courageous conversations empower individuals to:

1. Express their wishes: By engaging in courageous conversations, individuals can clearly communicate their preferences for hospice, ensuring that their values and beliefs are respected.

2. Alleviate fear and anxiety: These conversations can help alleviate the fear and anxiety that surrounds hospice, enabling individuals and their families to approach these discussions with greater ease.

3. Support caregivers: Honest conversations offer caregivers the guidance they need to make informed decisions and provide the best possible care to their loved ones.

We are committed to promoting courageous conversations within our community. We offer resources and support to help individuals and their families engage in these vital discussions. Our aim is to ensure that everyone’s hospice journey is personalized and reflects their unique wishes and values. Our teams at both local hospices recognize the importance of preserving the dignity and independence of our patients while offering them the support they deserve.

Hospice is not just about end-of-life care; it’s about embracing life with all its beauty and fragility. Our agencies have provided hospice care to this community for decades and we are deeply committed to our mission and are here to serve our community with the utmost care and compassion.

As we commemorate this month, we want to thank the individuals who make hospice care possible. Our compassionate healthcare professionals, tireless volunteers, and dedicated staff members work to provide a holistic approach that addresses the physical needs of our patients and their emotional and spiritual well-being. Their dedication and unwavering support bring peace and solace to those in need.



U.P. Home Health & Hospice



Lake Superior Life Care & Hospice


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