
Efforts continue to preserve historic steam engine

GLADSTONE — The Gladstone Michigan Soo Line Steam Engine #730 Authority is continuing its efforts with upkeep and preservation work on the Soo Line Railroad steam engine on display along US 2 and 41 and M-35 in Gladstone. Recently, volunteers washed and spray cleaned the engine in preparation for installing Christmas lights for the holiday season.

In 1959, the steam engine era came to an end, and the Soo Line Railroad looked to retire their fleet of steam engines by donating them to the major hubs along its route from Minneapolis to Sault Ste. Marie. The Soo Line donated steam engine #730 to the city of Gladstone in the summer of 1960, as the new Highway was being built along Railway Avenue. Land was prepared and cleared for Steam Engine #730 to have its final resting place. In the fall of that year, the Soo Line Railroad donated the engine to the city to display and memorialize the steam engine era of railroading.

In the summer of 2021, the restoration of a Delta County historical exhibit and site began. The steam engine has greeted tourist and rail fans young and old for a generation and continues to be a Delta County landmark for all to enjoy, but work was needed to preserve the engine. Bird netting was installed to keep the pigeons out and fencing was repaired. Rick Prica and crew from N/K Electric installed new LED lighting and wiring, replaced power outlets and made them water proof. Spot painting will be done by the Painter Apprentice IUPAT Local 10-11 of the Upper Peninsula. The brass numbers were buffed and re-installed and just recently the engine was washed and spray cleaned in anticipation of the installation of Christmas lights.

Future plans include a parking area, a historical marker and a timeline kiosk.

Donation to help preservation efforts, day to day maintenance or future perpetual care for the engine are appreciated. Checks can made in care of #730 to the Community Foundation for Delta County. 2420 1st Avenue S., Escanaba, Michigan. 49829.


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