
West End Update – City of Negaunee

Much happening in Negaunee

Nate Heffron, city manager, city of Negaunee

NEGAUNEE — A few weeks ago, Negaunee published its second magazine entitled “Forge Your Adventure.” This magazine will be a yearly publication designed to inform residents of our community about current and future projects, economic growth and investment and to promote Negaunee as a great place to raise a family, start a business or visit!

Negaunee has seen both significant and beneficial successes. Our publication celebrates the accomplishments of our great community in a unique format for anyone and everyone to see. We’re telling the world our story!

Besides mailing a copy to every household, this magazine is available online through our website www.cityofnegaunee.com, our social media site on Facebook, or a print copy can be found at the Negaunee public library.

Creating this magazine would not have been possible without partners like Lake Superior Community Partnership. LSCP helped Negaunee make it happen starting in May of 2022. LSCP gathered information on the most important happenings and projects under one publication. It’s a spectacular, easy-to -read and eye catching accomplishment!

The funding for this venture is all thanks to our friends from our electrical energy provider WPPI!

It’s important to communicate with our residents, and WPPI understands that. That’s why they made it possible for us to promote Negaunee through their marketing and branding program.

Positive promotion of our community has yielded additional positive outcomes. New businesses such as Samara Floral and our newest downtown restaurant Strega Nonna are two great additions to our downtown.

Additionally, with the support of City Council and administered through the Negaunee DDA, the city has primed the pump with an initial $200,000 investment for facades and outdoor spaces. This funding will lead to a minimum private- funding match of $200,000. The activity will impact eight separate properties, create new jobs, provide new services, and preserve historic buildings.

The establishment of our social district downtown will add new economic opportunities for businesses as well as entice more people to gather and socialize in downtown Negaunee. This could have the net effect of adding businesses, sustaining or creating jobs, and provide alternative options during pandemics.

Lastly, an award of $885,000 from the Michigan Economic Development Corporation will help Negaunee’s downtown with a revitalization and place-making project slated to take place this coming spring. When combined with other projects happening in downtown Negaunee, over $2.1M will be invested. This demonstrates how strongly Negaunee believes that downtown is the heart and soul of our community!

Negaunee is more than just downtown, as demonstrated in our magazine. Other projects are on tap, such as the $6M water project to replace and enhance our water infrastructure – while at the same time repairing streets. Our beach project expanded access to Teal Lake and improved the overall experience for all users. And our upcoming electrical substation project will help us improve our electrical system and prepare for future growth and prosperity.

I personally hope that those that read our magazine find it insightful and that it truly provides you information about activities in your community. We have a reason to tell our story and should be proud of both our strong mining past and our exciting future.


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