
Christie’s Chronicles: Evolving with an evolving universe

Christie Mastric

As I learned from a “Big Bang Theory” episode, what’s constant in the universe is that things are always changing.

That, however, is little comfort to me when I can’t find my favorite foods on the grocery store shelves. Annoying factors such as the supply chain and changing consumer tastes probably are several reasons for this scenario, but that doesn’t make it any easier to take.

Therefore, I have a problem with some changes.

A few days ago, I had a hankering for RyKrisp. I used to find packages of those tasty crackers back when restaurants placed cracker bowls on tables before the main course. The bowls also had crackers shaped like cigars, which were great but difficult for butter placement.

Anyway, back to RyKrisp. Due to litigation I don’t pretend to understand, I don’t believe these crackers are available anywhere. I hope the cracker gods figure this out, because I miss them — and they were butter-spreading-friendly.

I don’t think Special K protein shakes are being anymore either. I didn’t consume them for reduced calories. Rather, I liked the taste and they were quick and easy to drink in the mornings.

I’m also unable to easily find Pure Leaf Lemon tea . A quick internet search leads me to believe that shifting consumer demand during the COVID-19 pandemic is the culprit. Fortunately, I can find Pure Leaf Subtly Sweet Lemon in my favorite convenience stores. It’s probably better that I consume less sugar anyway.

Yes, I know I can try to brew my own tea, but that requires more effort that I care to expend. Sun tea will suffice, but as my fellow Yoopers understand, sun can be in short supply during certain times of the year — such as practically all winter.

Candy too changes with the times. Perhaps palates have gotten more sophisticated, but I miss the heady days of Choco’Lite candy bars, Bub’s Daddy bubble gum ropes and Black Cow suckers. Occasionally I find Chunky candy bars and Charms lollipops, but not as easily as in my formative years.

Searching for a Zagnut bar, I discovered they are sold at OldTimeCandy.com. Going down that wormhole, I looked up other candies and found candy buttons on paper tape, Bottle Caps and Chick-O-Sticks. I’m not sure if they’re designer knock-offs, but if they taste good, who cares.

I must admit, though, I don’t crave candy necklaces the way I did when I was in grade school, with my preferences changing to nuts and cheese. I also am not sure I can put a candy necklace around my aging neck as easily as when I was 7 year old.

Shampoos come and go as well. I triple dog care you to find bright green Prell concentrate in a tube, Earth Born Natural pH Balance Shampoo or Lemon up shampoo in your local grocery store. You can find plenty of shampoos to clean your hair, but none with the tantalizing scent of “Gee, Your Hair Smells Terrific.”

Finding new candies and shampoos, I suppose, is easier than bigger, more fundamental changes, such as — on a personal note, more aches and pains — and nationally, the increased polarization in politics.

There’s not much I can do about these in a way except apply ointment when and where I need it, and try to be tolerant of other people’s opinions, or disagree by beginning my statement with, “I see what you’re saying.”

I don’t recall the right and left being so at odds with each other. In fact, I used to think I couldn’t always tell the difference. Now they make sure I can tell the difference.

Somehow the more profound changes can be easier to handle. Since I’m just one 5-foot, 1-inch person on the globe, it’s sort of comforting to know that I might have more influence on my own little world, so why worry about the bigger stuff?

Should I have to ponder changes beyond my sphere, though, it might be easier if I were wearing a candy necklace and Coty Sweet Earth solid perfume when listening to an unhealthy intolerance of alternate opinion.

There would be a certain comfort level in that.


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