
Months later, Michigan high school building remains closed

MENOMINEE, Mich. (AP) — A high school in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula won’t reopen as planned next week, yet another delay following months of online learning.

Storm damage and the discovery of asbestos have kept the Menominee High School building closed since August. A plan to reopen classrooms next week was dropped after suspicious dust was found, requiring a cleanup, WBAY-TV reported.

“I can’t even begin to tell you how frustrating it is,” said Richard Sarau, superintendent of the Menominee district.

Indeed, parents are frustrated that children must stick to online instruction.

“It definitely puts a damper on mother-child relationships — all the nagging to get your school work done, and, you know, ‘I’m trying, I’m trying,'” parent Amanda Zahnow said.

A junior, Kamryn Olson, said social ties have been broken.

“Some kids go to school just to see that one person. Some kids go to school just to eat lunch. … So it’s really hard to know that they’re not getting any of that,” Kamryn said.


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