
InvestUP announces new series

MARQUETTE — InvestUP has announced its new series, Lead to Succeed: Conversations with U.P. Business Leaders. Hosted by Steve Arwood, InvestUP strategic advisor and former CEO of the Michigan Economic Development Corporation, the series will explore the opportunities and challenges of leading a business in the Upper Peninsula. Found at investupmi.com/index.php/lead-to-succeed and available on all podcast platforms, Lead to Succeed will introduce U.P. business leaders from a variety of industries and sectors.

The first interview features Steve Hicks, CEO of Longyear Corporation. In episode 2, Gina Thorsen, president of Stormy Kromer, offers “a unique perspective of leading a business in the Upper Peninsula as she transitioned into a leadership role that came with the responsibility of upholding the brand–a U.P. legacy,” organizers said. Lead to Succeed: Conversations with U.P. Business Leaders can be found at investupmi.com/index.php/ lead-to-succeed and on all podcast platforms, including Apple, Spotify, and Google Podcasts.


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