
Teaching children to become handy helpers

Sabin, Davis, Hetrick, Anderegg, Macalady, Walker, Darling, and Katers

“Woodworking gives me something useful to do when I’m feeling puny and it takes my mind off my troubles.”

— Gary McCarthy

Kids and adults feel “puny” sometimes and a little woodworking can help them feel strong again and regain a great attitude when they work together.

Anthony Carrino of the renovation show “Cousins Undercover” suggests very young children can start with toy tools, and children age 6 on up with real tools and a kid-friendly tool kit. Grandparents and parents can raid their tools and purchase a tool bag or start kids from scratch.

Craig Stevens, carpenter and author, suggests starting kids with a small but real hammer, and helping them pound some nails straight into a board or stump and then pulling them out. Help them turn a few screws on a soft pine board or tighten a loose one somewhere. Look for both flat and Phillips head screwdrivers.

Also, gift them with a fabric measuring tape that includes fractions and teach them to go around the house measuring furniture. Bubble levels are also fun to use. If you have a new smart phone there is a level on your phone.

Craig Stevens has written the very popular, “Woodshop 101 For Kids”. He includes 14 woodworking projects for parents and kids to build together. His website is woodworkersresource.com for school age children and their families

Needed Tools

Mr. Stevens suggests the following tools for this age: a 12-foot measuring tape with fractions, a wooden 12-inch ruler with fractions, and a 7- to 10-ounce hammer. You can include a handsaw, power drill (with supervision), auger, awl, nail and screw box sets of 1 ¼ and 1 ∞, Phillips and flat head screw drivers, western and Japanese handsaw, coping saw, block plane and rasp. Add some sand paper (100, 120, 150 and 180), white and wood glue, clamps, combination square, speed square and child-size safety glasses that fit and won’t slip. Children may also like a wood burning kit.

Many Projects

His book and site have information about the science of wood and how-to directions for easy start-up projects like a picture frame, crayon or pencil holder, art caddy, step stool, marshmallow catapult and many more. Checking out woodworking projects for kids on Pinterest.com is another good site for ideas. Other books for teaching and ideas include: “Easy Carpentry Projects for Children” by Jerome Leavitt and “The Kids’ Building Workshop” by Craig Robertson.

There are also ready-made toolkits and projects from “Kraftic DIY Delux Carpentry Woodworking Kit” by Kraftic and “Active Kyds Tool Kits” for kids 6-13 by Active Kyds. For more project ideas to build relationships between kids and adults see grandparents teachtoo.blogspot.com and wnmufm.org/Learning Through the Seasons live and podcasts.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Grandparents Teach, Too is a non-profit organization of elementary and preschool teachers from Marquette, Michigan. The writers include: Jan Sabin, Mary Davis, Jean Hetrick, Cheryl Anderegg, Esther Macalady, Colleen Walker, Fran Darling, and Iris Katers. Their mission since 2009 is to help parents, grandparents, and other caregivers of young children provide fun activities to help prepare young children for school and a life long love of learning. They are supported by Great Start, Parent Awareness of Michigan, the U.P. Association for the Education of Young Children, Northern Michigan School of Education, the Upper Peninsula Children’s Museum and the Northern Michigan University Center for Economic Education.


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