Five ways to find fitness motivation
Even the most dedicated exercise enthusiast can hit a workout rut, but there are a few ways you can stay motivated, whether it’s adding a new class into your routine or ensuring you’re outfitted in the right gear. Read on for trends in staying on track:
1. Set goals, track progress – One of the best ways to stay motivated is to set goals, track progress, and share results. A great way to keep your goals and successes top of mind is keeping a visual chart on your fridge or bedroom wall. Not only will you feel accomplished when you check off the days you worked out, but it is also an easy way to track your progress and celebrate milestones.
2. Add variety – One reason people tend to quit an exercise program is boredom, so make sure you are challenging yourself. A great way to do so is mixing up your routine. Not only does a varied workout regimen prevent boredom, it also ensures you’re working different muscles and areas of your body. And speaking of mixing it up, downloading a new playlist can give you the right heart-thumping boost to keep your energy levels up.
3. Buddy up – Another way to combat boredom is working out with a friend. Scheduling a workout in advance ensures you’re more likely to stick to your fitness commitments. As the old adage says, time passes much more quickly when you’re having fun.
4. Get the right gear – Whether you’re a seasoned fitness pro, or you’re just starting a new regimen, it’s important to sport the right apparel to keep you looking and feeling your best. For women, this means finding the perfect the sports bra.
“There really is no getting around it,” states LaJean Lawson, Ph.D. and Champion’s sports bra expert. “Having the right sports bra is key to fitness success! Make sure that you have a style that both fits properly and is appropriate for your activity level – you’re not going to get a good workout if you aren’t comfortable.”
5. Reward yourself – It’s important to reward yourself when you reach milestones – both big and small. In fact, if you set only major goals, you’re more likely to get frustrated and quit before you make much progress. Instead, set small, achievable goals for specific time parameters, as well as an overall goal. Don’t let setbacks get you down, and make sure you celebrate each time you reach a new level with something special, such as an ice cream cone, trip to the movies, or a massage.